Monday, 2 December 2024

(Lead) Mountain Musings - "Partially-Painted/Printed Pledge" [I/IV] December 2024

Last month's output was a bizarre mixture of figures - and many more are now likely to come

Traditionally around this time of the year I am building, basing and undercoating all manner of miniatures in preparation for the annual Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge (AHPC). Indeed, both my hobby desk and surrounding drawers would ordinarily already be swimming in various resurrected models awaiting a second push to the finish line, or some brand news ones which I had somewhat disconcertingly purchased in order to enter the competition's bonus stages - so as to 'pick up' many of the much-needed extra points I would invariably require to achieve my target tally.

However, having decided not to participate in that particular event again I thought I'd instead reinvent an old personal goal I have repeatedly failed to achieve in the past - namely to spend four months plodding through my unfinished backlog. As a result I thought I'd give my previously named Partially-Painted Pledge (PPP) an extra 'P' so as to include anything I've 3D printed over the past twenty-four plus months, and genuinely focus on chipping away at the giant 'Inventory of Inspiration' I have accumulated.

"Black Site Studios" WIPs - The first of my NASA Astronauts is almost finished

The self-imposed rules are pretty straightforward, as the models simply need to have been started in some way to be eligible - so even a bare metal model super-glued to a base or a multi-piece plastic miniature having been assembled, will suffice. This should cause me to stumble through all manner of genres, scales and rule systems until the end of March 2025, and simultaneously help stimulate/maintain my enthusiasm as I declutter my collection of long-forgotten figures.

Furthermore I aim to actually (finally) finish approximately a hundred 28mm models or rather attain 500 points - using my monthly scoring mechanism - and in doing so hopefully bolster my increasingly flagging productivity. This may well prove a tall order, despite some of the models being considerably close to completion. But it at least gives me something aspirational to aim for rather than just meandering from one old half-hearted paint-job to another.

November 2024 - "Crooked Dice" make a big leap towards challenging for second place

To begin with I aim to knuckle down and complete the five-man NASA Astronaut set by "Black Site Miniatures" I had expected to complete during November. I've actually picked up a few of the company's "Lunar" Faction Expansions from UK-based "Spectre Miniatures", as well as taken advantage of the American manufacturer's Black Friday Sale to pick up a few of the range's 'harder to get' kits from their side of the Pond. So I really want to get all these goodies painted before I splurge out on any more.

I'd also imagine that the likes of "Crooked Dice Game Design Studio", "Pendraken Miniatures" "Ground Zero Games", and "Battlefront Miniatures" will greatly benefit from this challenge, as I've already discovered many a drawer and container quite literally 'packed to the gunnels' with their sculpts - all of which have only been partially worked on before being discarded in favour of something else...


  1. Hope your challenge for yourself goes well Simon, and you can keep up the motivation to clear as much as possible from the backlog.

    1. Thanks Dave. I'm rather looking forward to diving into some of my older drawers and boxes, and seeing what I find.

  2. Good idea to clear the backlog! I hope you are productive over the coming weeks and months. I can't wait to see a group shot of the Soviet and US astronauts together either.

    1. Cheers Undercoat. I've already found the move has reinvigorated my momentum, and I've painted up a handful of figures. Hopefully, they'll be some tabletop action for my Soviet and American astronauts once they're finished - and my Lunar tablecloth arrives.

  3. great way to challenge yourself, and hope to keep your motivation high

    1. Thanks Andy. I have such an insane backlog of partially-painted figs and 3D prints, that I thought a dedicated push to get as many of them finished as I can would be a great way of revitalising old projects and keeping the motivation going.
