Monday, 16 December 2024

"Wollipeds Are Large, Docile Herd Animals..."

"...Found in the snowy foothills of large mountains."

This 28mm scale plastic model of a Wolliped is produced by "Wizkids" and can be found as Product Code DDMTROW31 from their Pathfinder Miniatures Reign of Winter range. The eight legged animal was bought as part of an order from "Tritex Games" way back in February 2020, and has sat on my painting area untouched since I initially gave it a cursory lick of paint in May last year.

Known for growing "thick, warm fleece as protection against the elements", the figure was cut from its thin-lipped stand and super-glued onto a "Citadel" 50mm circular base instead. It's pre-paint job was then covered over with a few lashings of "Vallejo" White, before I shaded the entire creature using some heavily watered-down Carcharodon Grey by “Two Thin Coats”. As a final touch, the brute was heavily dry-brushed with (more) "Vallejo" White.

"Lost Heresy Miniatures" WIPs - These three Vulgorn Guards are almost finished

Having finished the majority of the model, I subsequently went in with a much finer brush to 'pick out' some of the Wolliped's details - such as using a combination of "Vallejo" German Grey and "Citadel" Nuln Oil on its incredibly hard to reach hooves, and face. I also applied some additional "Vallejo" White to the miniature's tusks and later 'weathered' these formidable pieces of ivory with a little "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade.

Lastly, the figure's multiple eyes were all dotted with "Vallejo" Heavy Red and dabbed with "Citadel" Carroburg Crimson. I was originally going to base the gentle, docile herd animal with snow as seems entirely fitting for something which requires "sure footing even in icy terrain." Indeed, I'm pretty sure I might have purchased the figure to be used in "Frostgrave" by "Osprey Games". However, I also felt that this might make the creature become lost to the eye, so promptly surrounded it with green flock so as to help my paintjob stand out all the more.

"Athena Miniatures" WIPs - Four of the eight British NBC troopers planned for my unit

Alongside my arctic beast I have been working on three more slightly upscaled 28mm Vulgorn Guards by "Lost Heresy Miniatures". This trio were created using "Elegoo" Water Washable Resin back when I had a problem with the FEP on my Mars 3 Pro 3D Printer, so there's a fair few printing flaws on them - one of which even required some sculpting with Green Stuff to fix. Happily though, I still think they're all good enough to sit on the tabletop once fully pigmented, with many of their faults obscured by their predominantly dark palette.

I've also got a little bit more work done on the British NBC (Nuclear Biological Chemical) models I recently acquired from "Athena Miniatures". All eight of the troopers' boots and bases are now completed, so I'll simply need to 'pick out' their L98 A2 rifles and gas masks, before tackling their camouflaged ammunition pouches.


  1. Great stuff. Love the snow animals :)

    1. Thanks Michal. The Wolliped is a cracking sculpt.

  2. Great wintery feel to the creature Simon, and you are making quick progress on the Vulgorn's and NBC troops as well.

    1. Cheers Dave. The Vulgorns should certainly soon be finished. Not sure what to follow the Wolliped up with tbh. I've found so many unfinished figs that it's becoming difficult to decide what to paint next. LOL!!!

  3. not gonna lie, those Vulgorn guards are awesome as hell.
    i have no idea why i want them for my weird WW2 german force i've been slowly creating.
    the reason why i love ur blog page is the exposure i get to other miniature lines/companies that are out there.

    1. Thanks Mr. Martin. I think the Vulgorn Guards would look excellent on a Weird War Two tabletop, and should definitely suit being an ally/creation of the Germans. That's a great idea I might borrow myself. LOL!!!

      I do try to incorporate as many of the smaller companies as I can find in this blog, as there's so many great ranges available these days - and frankly the prices of some of the bigger companies for just a single figure would buy you 2-3 units from other, less well known manufacturers.

  4. What a weird looking creature! I must admit to not having heard of it or seen a picture of it before, but you have painted it brilliantly. I love how you have done the fur, it looks tremendous, and I think it was a good call to use green flock too and not distract from that excellently painted fur.

    1. Cheers Undercoat. I certainly feel the green grass flock works better than just snow. I'd be tempted to paint up a small herd if the price of the figures was right. Though getting a paintbrush underneath the model was almost soul-destroying at times, at it kept catching the other legs.
