This simple ‘single-colour’ painting scheme was also applied to 'Pandora King' (Also by "Crooked Dice Design Studio), but this time I used Adeptus Battlegrey and a wash of Badab Black.

It was then a case of giving each scarecrow their clothing’s own unique (dirty) colour scheme. This was achieved using a variety of different paint and wash pairings: Fenris Grey and Asurmen Blue, Dark Flesh and Devlan Mud, Mechrite Red and Devlan Mud, Blood Red and Baal Red, Macharius Solar Orange and Devlan Mud, and Knarloc Green with Thraka Green.
As with all my models (these days) the bases had already been undercoated Chaos Black before being drybrushed with Dark Flesh, then Dheneb Stone, and then washed with Devlan Mud.
All of the ARC Astronauts were then given an undercoat of Astronimicon Grey before being given two coats of Skull White. Their flight suits were then washed with watered down Astronimicon Grey. Whilst Other Dave’s face was painted using Dark Flesh and Devlan Mud, the skin of Professor Song and Proper Dave were treated to an undercoat of Tallarn Flesh, before being highlighted with Elf Flesh. These areas were then washed using Ogryn Flesh.
A future painting project will be to turn four of the Advancing ARC Astronauts into versions of the swarming, carnivorous Vashta Nerada. These models have already had their out-stretched arms repositioned (i.e. bent) in order to make them all appear in slightly different ‘menacing’ poses. As all four models have also been painted Skull White, each miniature now only requires a watered down wash of Astronimicon Grey, and their visors being picked out with Chaos Black.