Thursday 17 December 2020

"Can You Survive The Horror?"

"Nail-biting decisions. Flesh-eating zombies."

This 28mm scale 3D printed piece is available as part of the Resident Evil 2 - Board Game - 3D Wall set - Set 1 by the "Pro Tech Painting" eBay store, and has been designed to be used with the "cooperative board game" produced by "Steamforged Games". The small wall measures 40mm in width and 35mm in height, and is one of four identically-sized pieces which come as part of the overall set.

As advertised, the brick wall did require some "final cleaning before painting" with both a nail file and sharp modelling knife. It was then primed with two coats of "Vallejo" Heavy Red and subsequently shaded using a mixture of "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade and “The Army Painter” Strong Tone Quickshade. Finally, the model was heavily dry-brushed with (more) "Vallejo" Heavy Red.

"Crooked Dice Game Design Studio" WIPs - Three FedSec Troopers

With the test scenic piece completed, I have momentarily turned my attention to progressing the three remaining FedSec Troopers I have had sat upon my painting table for a few years now, and getting the black-suited soldiers at least primed with a couple of helpings of "Citadel" Abaddon Black. I actually own a few more of these excellent figures by "Crooked Dice Game Design Studio", but as they haven't yet even been based I have put them aside for a rainy day next year...

In addition, I have finally managed to assemble the metal Firebrand Warjack which comes with the Iron Star Alliance Starter Set for "Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika" by "Privateer Press". To be entirely honest, this hefty beast has been severely close to being lobbed across my hobby room on a number of occasions as it's been an incredible pain to put together, despite it containing no less than eleven pins.

"Privateer Press" WIP - The Warjack has been assembled, primed, layered, shaded and dry-brushed

The main problem has been the brute's sheer weight as it is cast entirely in metal, and as a result the suggestion its entire torso, arms, weapons and power-fins would easily be held aloft by super-glue alone is laughable. Indeed, I ended up re-pinning the Warjack's legs a couple of times after it became clear the burden was far too great for just a single piece of metal wire, some green-stuff and enough epoxy to turn me into an addict for life.

Ultimately, I have settled on a pose which takes a lot of stress off of the Firebrand's frighteningly fragile leg-joints, and placed a large portion of it onto his grounded Repulsor Shield. The overall look of the ensemble is arguably a far cry from the imposingly upright stance depicted in the 'official' Iron Star Alliance illustrations. But the miniature has so far withstood priming, layering, shading and a seriously rough 'dry-brushing' without falling apart again...

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