Sunday 13 December 2020

"You've Drawn Your New Weapon From The Armoury, I See."

"Good. Stay alert."

This 28mm model of a FedSec Heavy Trooper was previously produced by “Crooked Dice Game Design Studio” and is from their out-of-production Federated Security Starter Set. However, these days both the miniature, and several other 'dead-ringers' from the BBC science fiction television series “Blake’s Seven”, are available from "Beast in the Broch".

The figure was originally treated to a double layer of "Citadel" Abaddon Black and thoroughly dry-brushed with “Vallejo” Heavy Charcoal so as to highlight the sculpt's detail. I then picked out his belt buckle, key chains, knee-pads and shoulder-pads with "Vallejo" Silver, and his formidably-sized two-handed firearm with Gunmetal. All of these areas were later washed with two generous helpings of "Citadel" Nuln Oil.

"All prisoners are being held in the main detention block."

I painted the model's helmet trim with a combination of “Vallejo” Heavy Khaki and “Citadel” Biel-Tan Green. In the past I've used "Citadel" Thrakka Green as my shade of choice, but as that product has long been shelved by "Games Workshop", I made do with its modern-day alterative. To finish the Heavy Trooper I applied some "Vallejo" Heavy Red to both his visor and weapon's button, and subsequently washed these areas with "Citadel" Nuln Oil and Carroburg Crimson respectively.

Alongside this particular miniature I have also completed a FedSec Trooper and two FedSec Commanders by "Crooked Dice Game Design Studio". However, rather than 'fit' the pair of officers with balaclava-wearing heads, I simply pinned a couple of normal gas-mask heads to their bodies. All three of the figures were primarily pigmented in precisely the same palette as their more 'bulky' black-suited colleague.

"Privateer Press" WIPs - These three Paladin Enforcers have been dry-brushed "Vallejo" Gunmetal

Sticking with Science Fiction, I have managed to move a little further forward on all five of the Paladins I plan to field as part of my Iron Star Alliance force for "Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika" by "Privateer Press". I was planning on putting these new 35mm scale models on hold until after I had finished assembling their terribly top-heavy Firebrand Warjack, but in the end I simply couldn't resist applying a brush-tip to them for at least a little while more.

Admittedly, all I have accomplished is finishing off the dry-brushes and shading for their bases, as well as given each Paladin a rough 'highlight' of "Vallejo" Gunmetal on their armour. Yet this little progress did encourage me to persevere with repeatedly reassembling, re-pinning, and regluing my Warjack to the point where it is now as solid a construct as I can achieve, and is ready for priming...

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