Wednesday 23 December 2020

"Earlier This Year..."

"...A bizarre incident occurred in the Arklay Mountains, on the outskirts of an American suburb named Raccoon City."

These two 28mm scale 3D printed pieces are available as part of the Resident Evil 2 - Board Game - 3D Wall sets - Set 1 & Set 2 by the "Pro Tech Painting" eBay store, and have been designed to be used with the "cooperative board game" produced by "Steamforged Games". The large wall measures 80mm in width and 35mm in height, whilst the smaller wall measures 40mm in width and 35mm in height.

Both corrugated metal walls required some "final cleaning before painting" with a nail file and sharp modelling knife, before being undercoated with a double-helping of "Citadel" Abaddon Black. The scenic parts were then layered using some "Vallejo" Gunmetal, before being shaded with plenty of "Citadel" Nuln Oil and some sporadically-placed Agrax Earthshade.

"Marvel Crisis Protocol" WIPs - The two Black Widows are at similar stages

The walls were then dry-brushed using (more) "Vallejo" Gunmetal, and later treated to a smattering of "Mig Productions" Extreme Rust Wash in an effort to show how badly weathered some of the metal had become over time. Lastly, the pieces were given another heavy dry-brush of "Vallejo" Gunmetal in an effort to blend all the different shades and rust together.

With my latest additions to my Resident Evil 2 - Board Game completed, I have continued to work upon my two copies of the Black Widow sculpt which can be found in the "Marvel Crisis Protocol" Starter Set by "Atomic Mass Games". I plan to paint my additional figure (bought using "eBay") in Natasha Romanova's alternative all-white costume, and had been hoping to have one of these miniatures accompany my already painted Black Widow - Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. in my ten-hero roster.

"Star Wars: Legion" WIPs - Count Dooku, Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia

Disappointingly however, having now read the expanded rule-book found only on the "Atomic Mass Games" website, it would appear that won't now be the case. I've always known I couldn't field two versions of Natasha on the actual tabletop, which frankly makes perfect sense to me, but it now appears I can only have one version of the Russian super-spy "behind the mask'" in my roster's line-up too. A situation which has admittedly somewhat dampened my enthusiasm for my little Romanova project.

Fortunately, Dave Stone over on the "Wargames Terrain Workshop" has kept me motivated with his seemingly endless array of Cantina clientele from "Star Wars". Indeed, I've been so impressed with his work that it has helped galvanise me into dusting down some of the many partially-painted models I own for "Star Wars: Legion" by "Fantasy Flight Games".

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