Thursday 10 December 2020

"Subcommander Cheney To All Units."

"This is a red alert. I repeat, this is a red alert. Electronic security reports intruders in Sector Three."

This 28mm metal model of a Federated Security Guard was produced by "Crooked Dice Game Design Studio" and is from their out-of-production Federated Security Starter Set. Like the rest of the Security Guards in this (video-like) boxed set, the figure came with a choice of two heads including one with a balaclava, and is a ‘dead-ringer’ for one of the despicable black jump-suit wearing minions of the Terran Federation from the BBC science fiction television series “Blake’s Seven”.

The 'Subcommander' was initially given a double undercoat of “Citadel” Abaddon Black before being rather roughly dry-brushed with “Vallejo” Heavy Charcoal so as to highlight the soldier's excellent detail. I then picked out his belt buckle and key chains with "Vallejo" Silver and his Federation carbine rifle with Gunmetal. All of these areas were later washed with a double-helping of "Citadel" Nuln Oil.

"Privateer Press" WIPs - These Paladins have been primed, layered and shaded

As I wanted this particular miniature to potentially represent the clean-shaven officer in charge of the security detail guarding the residence of the exiled former president Sarkoff, I did initially consider scraping the figure's bushy moustache off. But eventually decided it would perhaps be something of a shame to ruin such an eye-catching detail...

In addition to finally finishing a model which has rather embarrassingly sat amidst my collection for a good five years, I have assembled and started painting my long-awaited Paladins for "Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika" by "Privateer Press". These new 35mm models form part of the Iron Star Alliance hobby miniatures game starter set and seem to have been persistently delayed since I first pre-ordered them a couple of months ago.

"Privateer Press" WIPs - The Paladin Weaver and a Paladin Enforcer

The Command Group are still missing their partly-assembled Firebrand-class Warjack, as frankly they have proved something of a nightmare to put together on account of their chunky metal pieces and minimalist joints. Indeed, I very quickly found myself drilling, pinning and green-stuffing all but these elite shock troopers simplest of parts together in an effort to ensure they didn't fall apart once I began applying a brush-tip to them.

Of course, the figures couldn't have come at a worse time as I'm currently trying to clear an unhealthy backlog of my old projects rather than tackle a brand new one. But I'm hoping my plan to make them somewhat rather rusty, steel and iron-coloured space battle veterans as opposed to the bright yellow Paladins depicted on their box's cover art, will actually allow me to slowly progress the odd model over the coming months...

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