Sunday 21 July 2024

"As Heads Roll And Blood Flows..."

"...More daemons from beyond the veil are summoned forth to partake in the slaughter."

This 28mm multi-part model of a Bloodletter has been assembled from one of the sprues found inside an old "Start Collecting" Daemons Of Khorne set produced by “Games Workshop”, and was based upon a "Citadel" 32mm round base so as to fit in with the rest of my Blades of Khorne "Age Of Sigmar" warhost. Armed with a ferocious Hellblade, this "finely detailed plastic" figure was assembled using the instructions found within their box.

Like all his demonic brethren before him, this particular Slaughter-kin was given a double undercoat of “Vallejo” Heavy Red, washed with "The Army Painter" Strong Tone Quickshade and dry-brushed with (more) “Vallejo” Heavy Red. His deadly two-handed sword was then given a base layer of "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna, twice pigmented with Gold, and subsequently dulled down using "The Army Painter" Strong Tone Quickshade.

"The pact between Horus and the Chaos Gods was straightforward."

To suggest that the Hellblade's "razored edge is sharpened by pure hatred" I highlighted it by dry-brushing the weapon with (more) "Vallejo" Gold, and later frustratingly spent some time tidying up the rest of the miniature due to all the specks of metallic paint this process inevitably seems to accidentally spatter the rest of model with. However, I did use this opportunity to apply a little "Citadel" Abaddon Black to the Bloodletter's horns, hands, hooves, spine and sword hilt.

These blackened areas were ultimately gently blended back in with the rest of the Taker of Skulls' red coloured limbs and head. Finally, I patiently picked out its sharp teeth using a combination of "Two Thin Coats" White Star and “Citadel” Agrax Earthshade, before dabbing in its eyes and tongue with Skulker Yellow by "Two Thin Coats". To finish it off the tongue was also drenched in “Citadel” Reikland Fleshshade.

"CoolMiniOrNot" WIPs - The Golden Avenger is coming to fruition

Alongside my first 28mm Bloodletter to be painted in approximately five years, I have also completed another 28mm plastic Space Marine by "Games Workshop" from their now OOP (Out Of Production) Betrayal At Calth stand-alone boxed game. The multi-part model was assembled wearing MK IV armour, and was pigmented in the colours of the Sons of Horus Legion for "Warhammer: The Horus Heresy."

Sliding across to Marvel United by "CoolMiniOrNot", I've finally finished all the armour on my previously 'stripped' Iron Man miniature. This was largely achieved using some thinned down "Citadel" Flesh Tearers Red over a fairly basic dry-brush of "Vallejo" Gunmetal, as well as a coat of "Vallejo" Matt Varnish. In the past I've found the Contrast paint has pulled away from the model when varnished with a brush, and whilst I am hoping for this to occur in places - so as to suggest wear and tear on Tony Stark's armour - I didn't want the red to be transferred onto other aspects of the model...


  1. Great work on the Bloodletter, and son Simon, I'm guessing the Bloodletter can pull double duty in both your Age of Sigmar list, and your Horus Heresy list.
    Nice progress on Iron Man, shouldn't be long now, and you will get him finished.

    1. Thanks Dave. The Bloodletter can be used in Aos, HH and WH40k - although bizarrely I was encouraged to paint him up as I was looking at AoS: Spearhead and that gave me the impetus to finish him off. Iron Man himself is now done. I'm just working on his base currently.

  2. Lovely stuff mate, that Bloodletter looks awesomely "bloody", and the space marine is a cracker too, the black shoulder pads really stand out.

    And good progress on Iron Man too, when i first saw his a few days back (on my phone so no comment sorry) I thought he was goingt o be Warmachine!

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Cheers Roger. I might do the rest of my remaining Sons of Horus with two black shoulder-pads, as I think the gold decal stands out far better on it than the Sons of Horus Green.

      I was originally going to do Flesh Tearers Red over a silver undercoat. But for some reason changed my mind - hence needing to strip the figure. I do plan to use the same technique on War Machine when I do him though. LOL!!

  3. Fabulous work Simon, the Bloodletter is particularly scary.

    1. Oooo, I can post comments again. :)

    2. Cheers Michael. Simple stuff. But getting hold of the Skaventide boxed set gave me the urge to quickly paint up something AoS - and as Dave points out, the Bloodletters can actually be used for a variety of GW game systems.

    3. It's terrific to have you back commenting too, Michael. :-)

    4. It'd good to be back, I must have updated some permissions or the like as things seem to be working again.

    5. It certainly seems easier for people to comment back here on blogger than on my former WIX site. I always think the comments section is the most important part of a blog, and the feedback I kept getting on WIX was that few could successfully get a comment to appear.

  4. despite not being a fan of the newer looking chaos demons, those came out nice.
    i prefer the oldhammer metal ones, but these did come out nice. great job.
    and as usual those 30k marine looking hot. still wanna see a army pic soon. heh.

    1. Thanks Mr. Martin. I do wish that the Bloodletters would not always be looking down at the ground. But as a horde force they're pretty nice to paint in numbers. Just a few more HH Sons of Horus to finish for my 500-point squad, and I'll start posting up some army pics. :-)

  5. I haven't seen you paint a Bloodletter for ages. It is like welcoming an old friend back to the blog. Great job. Iron Man is coming along nicely and it is always great to a Sons of Horus space marine.

    1. Cheers Undercoat. The mood and model were simply at the right time at the right place for the Bloodletter. LOL!!! It certainly helped break up the painting of another Sons of Horus space marine.
