Tuesday 23 July 2024

"Despite Hank McCoy's Feral Appearance..."

"...He is depicted as a brilliant, well-educated man in the arts and sciences."

This 32mm scale plastic model of Beast was produced by “CoolMiniOrNot” as part of their "Marvel Zombies" stand-alone game using the "Zombicide" rule-set. One of the "Kickstarter" campaign's numerous exclusive figures, this particular incarnation of Henry "Hank" McCoy's fur-covered alter-ego was created by Mark Millar and Greg Land for the September 2005 issue of "Ultimate Fantastic Four" by "Marvel Comics".

Believed to have been residing at the Xavier Institute on Earth-2149 when the zombie plague first struck, the mutant superhero was initially undercoated using a couple of licks of "Vallejo" Heavy Blue, quite literally drenched in "Citadel" Drakenhof Nightshade, and dry-brushed with (more) "Vallejo" Heavy Blue. I then picked out his trunks using a little "Citadel" Abaddon Black, and base-layered his waistband with a line of "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna.

"CoolMiniOrNot" WIPs - Blade, Baron Zemo and Squirrel have all been primed

Beast's belt was next treated to a couple of coats of "Vallejo" Gold, sploshed with "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade and tidied up with a few well-placed strokes of (more) "Vallejo" Gold. The figure's official paintjob by "CoolMiniOrNot" shows the X-Man's belt buckle to be a black and red affair. However, the detail was so tiny on the miniature that in the end I decided to leave it being the same gold colour as the rest of the girdle.

I did though decide to carefully trace out McCoy's spectacles with a smidgeon of "Vallejo" Gunmetal and "Citadel" Nuln Oil, as well as catch his fangs with a spot of "Two Thin Coats" White Star and "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade. In addition, I applied some "Vallejo" Heavy Green and "Citadel" Biel-Tan Green to a pair of bottles littering the model's base, and some White Star by "Two Thin Coats" and "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade to some battered books. I had intended to pigment the covers of these tomes with "Vallejo" Heavy Red. But ultimately stuck with just "Citadel" Abaddon Black leather jackets instead.

"Games Workshop" WIPs - Three more Sons Of Horus Space Marines are on the hobby table

Staying with super-heroes, albeit figures from Marvel United by "CoolMiniOrNot", I have primed three more of the co-operative boardgame's models - Squirrel Girl, Blade and Baron Zemo. I strongly doubt I'll get these all finished by the end of the month, so will probably end up pottering on with them well into August 2024 too.

Furthermore, I've started working on another trio of 28mm plastic space marines by "Games Workshop". I seem to have painted a good handful of traitorous Sons of Horus over the past few weeks, so thought I'd see if I can finally well and truly break the back of my push to field a 500-point force for Horus Heresy...


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Ray. I think a lot of the Marvel Zombicide figures are excellent sculpts tbh. Definitely putting me off painting any more of the old Heroclix minis I used to work on.

  2. I am starting to feel I missed a trick with this Zombicide expansion, one of the few that I haven't backed. Lovely work on a great sculpt.

    1. Cheers Michael. I've got so many ruddy Zombicide expansions over the years, that all the unpainted figures are kept in one huge really useful box. I think Marvel Zombicide is the best version of the game to date, though I've yet to play the updated v2 of the original game. Beast has actually encouraged me to paint a couple more figs from the Marvel set up, so hopefully a few more will get finished soon.

    2. Version 2 is unplayed here too, although I was just reading some interesting additions like the use of torches and improved targeting.

    3. Yes. V2 does look good. I once played Martin using the original game remotely using my webcam to cover the board. I'd be happy to set something similar up if you fancy giving it a try in the future..? We had a blast..!! There's an AAR about the game somewhere on this blog.

    4. Now that could be fun, perhaps something to do on one of the long night's that I am stuck at school, but not on duty?

    5. Absolutely. Just let me know a date and time, and I'll see what I can set up with my webcam. All you'll need are some dice, pen & paper - and a copy of the rules if you have them to hand.
