Wednesday 30 December 2020

"After Receiving Several Reports Of Missing Persons..."

"...The Raccoon City Police Department's special S.T.A.R.S. unit immediately began investigating the affair."

These three 28mm scale 3D printed pieces are available as part of the Resident Evil 2 - Board Game - 3D Wall sets - Set 1, 2 & Corner Set 1 by the "Pro Tech Painting" eBay store, and have been designed to be used with the "cooperative board game" produced by "Steamforged Games". The large wall measures 80mm in width and 35mm in height, whilst the short and corner walls measure 40mm in width and 35mm in height.

The brick walls were initially 'cleaned up' with both a nail file and sharp modelling knife, before being primed with a double-helping of "Vallejo" Heavy Red. They were then washed using a mixture of "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade and “The Army Painter” Strong Tone Quickshade, and heavily dry-brushed with (more) "Vallejo" Heavy Red.

"Warlord Games" WIP - The ACW soldiers have been based, primed and had some of their shoes 'picked out'

With about a third of my 3D printed scenery now completed, I have had an opportunity to turn my attention to "Warlord Games" and their seemingly triumphant announcement concerning the imminent release of "Epic Battles: American Civil War". Described by the Nottingham-based company as a game "based on the familiar award-winning Black Powder rules system, with a few period-flavour tweaks to cement the battles in the ideologies of American Civil War doctrines", this 15mm scale hard plastic affair certainly seems to have whipped up quite the furore within the historical wargaming world. Not least because it's hard plastic infantry are more akin to being 13mm in height and resultantly don't appear to blend well with other similarly-sized manufacturers.

Fortunately, apart from a brief dabble in ACW with some 15mm figures by "Peter Pig" I haven't ever really given this period much thought, so decided to purchase both the January 2021 issue of "Wargames Illustrated", in order to get my hands on a single sprue of "Warlord Games" models, as well as a second-hand copy of the old Black Powder background rule-book "Glory, Hallelujah" too. Currently, I'm rather undecided as to whether I want to try my hand at such a large scale project. so simply plan to see what all the fuss is about by painting a twenty-man unit or two.

"North Star Military Figures" WIPs - The "Frostgrave" Tribal archer is slowly having all his detail painted

I have though done a bit of research on the Confederate States force of my choice and decided to go with an Alabama regiment for now. These troops eventually went the way of all Robert Edward Lee's units by predominantly wearing grey uniforms. But before 1863 were known to fight in dark blue frock coats with black broad-brimmed hats - a palette which will help me somewhat break-up the monotony of endless grey shirts and trousers...

Lastly, I have made some in-roads into my Witch's warband for "Frostgrave" by finally setting aside some dedicated hobby time on the first of my party's two archers. There certainly is a lot of detail on the "North Star Military Figures" hard plastic Tribals, so I am definitely having to be patient as I slowly pick my way up the model pouch by feathered leg-band. Fortunately, the less powerful the fighter, the less adornments I gave them, so I'm hopeful that by the time my energy starts flagging, I'll have less tricky painting subjects before me.

Monday 28 December 2020

"When You're Up To Your Neck In Slime And Lasers, That's Everything."

"He gave the order. We just did the shooting."

These three 28mm FedSec Troopers were previously manufactured by “Crooked Dice Game Design Studio” and are from their out-of-production Federated Security Starter Set. However, these days both the miniatures, and several other 'dead-ringers' from the BBC science fiction television series “Blake’s Seven”, are available from "Beast in the Broch".

After pinning their separate heads to their torsos each figure was primed in "Citadel" Abaddon Black and enthusiastically dry-brushed with “Vallejo” Heavy Charcoal. I then picked out their belt buckles and key chains with "Vallejo" Silver, and their hand-weapons with Gunmetal. All of these areas were later washed with two applications of "Citadel" Nuln Oil.

"Marvel Crisis Protocol" WIP - The Punisher has had his pavement painted, shaded and dry-brushed

I painted each model's helmet trim with a combination of “Vallejo” Heavy Khaki and “Citadel” Biel-Tan Green. This alternative to the now sadly out-of-production Thrakka Green is arguably a little darker in tone than its "Games Workshop" predecessor, but hopefully not too noticeably. As a final step I applied some "Vallejo" Heavy Red to the soldiers' visors and subsequently washed them with "Citadel" Nuln Oil.

With the last of my built FedSec Troopers now finished, I have been able to spend some additional hobby time assembling the five miniatures needed to fill out the ten-model roster required for "Marvel: Crisis Protocol" by "Atomic Mass Games". I had been hoping to use the two Black Widow variants the skirmish game has already made available to its comic book fans, but sadly the rule-book doesn't allow for any line-up to contain two of the same character.

"Atomic Mass Games" WIP - Daredevil's broken baton has been pinned together and attached to his back

As a result I decided to try and pick a few more street-level powered super-heroes to compliment Natalia Alianovna "Natasha Romanoff" Romanova, so built the Punisher and Daredevil. Frank Castle's formidably-armed alter-ego was very easy to glue together. However, I had some major problems with the Man without Fear, not least due to the hard plastic figure arriving with his elongated baton snapped in half.

Obviously my first thought was to contact the internet store where I bought it from and arrange for a replacement. But having seen just how the frail weapon looked in the company's 'official' photographs, I actually saw the breakage as an opportunity to attach its 'weaker' elements to the blind vigilante's body and ensure the gaming piece was debatably better suited to handling on the tabletop than simply looking good on a shelf.

Wednesday 23 December 2020

"Earlier This Year..."

"...A bizarre incident occurred in the Arklay Mountains, on the outskirts of an American suburb named Raccoon City."

These two 28mm scale 3D printed pieces are available as part of the Resident Evil 2 - Board Game - 3D Wall sets - Set 1 & Set 2 by the "Pro Tech Painting" eBay store, and have been designed to be used with the "cooperative board game" produced by "Steamforged Games". The large wall measures 80mm in width and 35mm in height, whilst the smaller wall measures 40mm in width and 35mm in height.

Both corrugated metal walls required some "final cleaning before painting" with a nail file and sharp modelling knife, before being undercoated with a double-helping of "Citadel" Abaddon Black. The scenic parts were then layered using some "Vallejo" Gunmetal, before being shaded with plenty of "Citadel" Nuln Oil and some sporadically-placed Agrax Earthshade.

"Marvel Crisis Protocol" WIPs - The two Black Widows are at similar stages

The walls were then dry-brushed using (more) "Vallejo" Gunmetal, and later treated to a smattering of "Mig Productions" Extreme Rust Wash in an effort to show how badly weathered some of the metal had become over time. Lastly, the pieces were given another heavy dry-brush of "Vallejo" Gunmetal in an effort to blend all the different shades and rust together.

With my latest additions to my Resident Evil 2 - Board Game completed, I have continued to work upon my two copies of the Black Widow sculpt which can be found in the "Marvel Crisis Protocol" Starter Set by "Atomic Mass Games". I plan to paint my additional figure (bought using "eBay") in Natasha Romanova's alternative all-white costume, and had been hoping to have one of these miniatures accompany my already painted Black Widow - Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. in my ten-hero roster.

"Star Wars: Legion" WIPs - Count Dooku, Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia

Disappointingly however, having now read the expanded rule-book found only on the "Atomic Mass Games" website, it would appear that won't now be the case. I've always known I couldn't field two versions of Natasha on the actual tabletop, which frankly makes perfect sense to me, but it now appears I can only have one version of the Russian super-spy "behind the mask'" in my roster's line-up too. A situation which has admittedly somewhat dampened my enthusiasm for my little Romanova project.

Fortunately, Dave Stone over on the "Wargames Terrain Workshop" has kept me motivated with his seemingly endless array of Cantina clientele from "Star Wars". Indeed, I've been so impressed with his work that it has helped galvanise me into dusting down some of the many partially-painted models I own for "Star Wars: Legion" by "Fantasy Flight Games".

Sunday 20 December 2020

"Trapped In The Midst Of An Outbreak."

"You and your allies must work together to escape Raccoon City..."

These two 28mm scale 3D printed pieces are available as part of the Resident Evil 2 - Board Game - 3D Wall sets - Set 2 & Corner Set 1 by the "Pro Tech Painting" eBay store, and have been designed to be used with the "cooperative board game" produced by "Steamforged Games". The large wall measures 80mm in width and 35mm in height, whilst the corner wall measures 40mm in width and 35mm in height.

"...And uncover the truth behind the virus."

As advertised, the brick walls did require some quite significant "final cleaning before painting" with both a nail file and sharp modelling knife. They were then primed with two coats of "Vallejo" Heavy Red and subsequently shaded using a mixture of "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade and “The Army Painter” Strong Tone Quickshade. Finally, the models were heavily dry-brushed with (more) "Vallejo" Heavy Red.

Despite my best intentions this month to paint an entire Witch's warband for "Frostgrave", I've not really made that much progress on my hard plastic figures from the "Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago" Tribals boxed set by "North Star Military Figures". One of the reasons for this has been that I rather fancied finishing off a metal miniature of a White Gorilla I have had lying around my painting table since the release of "Thaw Of The Lich Lord" five years ago.

"North Star Military Figures" WIPs - A White Gorilla and Tribal Warrior Archer

But, mainly due to my disappointment with the actual sculpt, I have found the 'wandering ape' quite a chore to pigment. On the surface, I thought the fang-toothed brute would prove quite a straightforward subject considering it is predominantly white with just its fleshy hands. feet, mouth and chest showing. However, a lot of the detail marvellously captured in the model's 'official paint-job' doesn't actually seem to be all that clear on the figure in front of me.

In addition, I fear I have once again succumbed to the trap of creating my own plastic miniatures by using one of "North Star Military Figures" excellent "Frostgrave" kits, as I have literally covered my Witch's tribal warriors in all manner of bracelets, pouches, hand-weapons and evil wooden face masks. All of these tiny details need 'picking out', shading and highlighting, and this is proving something of a time-consuming process for a project I initially anticipated being reasonably straightforward.

"Crooked Dice Game Design Studio" WIPs - These three FedSec Troopers just need some tidying up

Luckily, my three remaining FedSec Troopers by "Crooked Dice Game Design Studio" continue to be a lot of fun to work on. The 'dead-ringers' for Supreme Commander Servalan's Terran Federation soldiers have now had all their "Vallejo" Heavy Red gas-mask visors and Heavy Khaki trim roughly layered in place, so simply need these areas to be tidied up before each figure can be appropriately shaded with a wash or two...

Thursday 17 December 2020

"Can You Survive The Horror?"

"Nail-biting decisions. Flesh-eating zombies."

This 28mm scale 3D printed piece is available as part of the Resident Evil 2 - Board Game - 3D Wall set - Set 1 by the "Pro Tech Painting" eBay store, and has been designed to be used with the "cooperative board game" produced by "Steamforged Games". The small wall measures 40mm in width and 35mm in height, and is one of four identically-sized pieces which come as part of the overall set.

As advertised, the brick wall did require some "final cleaning before painting" with both a nail file and sharp modelling knife. It was then primed with two coats of "Vallejo" Heavy Red and subsequently shaded using a mixture of "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade and “The Army Painter” Strong Tone Quickshade. Finally, the model was heavily dry-brushed with (more) "Vallejo" Heavy Red.

"Crooked Dice Game Design Studio" WIPs - Three FedSec Troopers

With the test scenic piece completed, I have momentarily turned my attention to progressing the three remaining FedSec Troopers I have had sat upon my painting table for a few years now, and getting the black-suited soldiers at least primed with a couple of helpings of "Citadel" Abaddon Black. I actually own a few more of these excellent figures by "Crooked Dice Game Design Studio", but as they haven't yet even been based I have put them aside for a rainy day next year...

In addition, I have finally managed to assemble the metal Firebrand Warjack which comes with the Iron Star Alliance Starter Set for "Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika" by "Privateer Press". To be entirely honest, this hefty beast has been severely close to being lobbed across my hobby room on a number of occasions as it's been an incredible pain to put together, despite it containing no less than eleven pins.

"Privateer Press" WIP - The Warjack has been assembled, primed, layered, shaded and dry-brushed

The main problem has been the brute's sheer weight as it is cast entirely in metal, and as a result the suggestion its entire torso, arms, weapons and power-fins would easily be held aloft by super-glue alone is laughable. Indeed, I ended up re-pinning the Warjack's legs a couple of times after it became clear the burden was far too great for just a single piece of metal wire, some green-stuff and enough epoxy to turn me into an addict for life.

Ultimately, I have settled on a pose which takes a lot of stress off of the Firebrand's frighteningly fragile leg-joints, and placed a large portion of it onto his grounded Repulsor Shield. The overall look of the ensemble is arguably a far cry from the imposingly upright stance depicted in the 'official' Iron Star Alliance illustrations. But the miniature has so far withstood priming, layering, shading and a seriously rough 'dry-brushing' without falling apart again...

Sunday 13 December 2020

"You've Drawn Your New Weapon From The Armoury, I See."

"Good. Stay alert."

This 28mm model of a FedSec Heavy Trooper was previously produced by “Crooked Dice Game Design Studio” and is from their out-of-production Federated Security Starter Set. However, these days both the miniature, and several other 'dead-ringers' from the BBC science fiction television series “Blake’s Seven”, are available from "Beast in the Broch".

The figure was originally treated to a double layer of "Citadel" Abaddon Black and thoroughly dry-brushed with “Vallejo” Heavy Charcoal so as to highlight the sculpt's detail. I then picked out his belt buckle, key chains, knee-pads and shoulder-pads with "Vallejo" Silver, and his formidably-sized two-handed firearm with Gunmetal. All of these areas were later washed with two generous helpings of "Citadel" Nuln Oil.

"All prisoners are being held in the main detention block."

I painted the model's helmet trim with a combination of “Vallejo” Heavy Khaki and “Citadel” Biel-Tan Green. In the past I've used "Citadel" Thrakka Green as my shade of choice, but as that product has long been shelved by "Games Workshop", I made do with its modern-day alterative. To finish the Heavy Trooper I applied some "Vallejo" Heavy Red to both his visor and weapon's button, and subsequently washed these areas with "Citadel" Nuln Oil and Carroburg Crimson respectively.

Alongside this particular miniature I have also completed a FedSec Trooper and two FedSec Commanders by "Crooked Dice Game Design Studio". However, rather than 'fit' the pair of officers with balaclava-wearing heads, I simply pinned a couple of normal gas-mask heads to their bodies. All three of the figures were primarily pigmented in precisely the same palette as their more 'bulky' black-suited colleague.

"Privateer Press" WIPs - These three Paladin Enforcers have been dry-brushed "Vallejo" Gunmetal

Sticking with Science Fiction, I have managed to move a little further forward on all five of the Paladins I plan to field as part of my Iron Star Alliance force for "Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika" by "Privateer Press". I was planning on putting these new 35mm scale models on hold until after I had finished assembling their terribly top-heavy Firebrand Warjack, but in the end I simply couldn't resist applying a brush-tip to them for at least a little while more.

Admittedly, all I have accomplished is finishing off the dry-brushes and shading for their bases, as well as given each Paladin a rough 'highlight' of "Vallejo" Gunmetal on their armour. Yet this little progress did encourage me to persevere with repeatedly reassembling, re-pinning, and regluing my Warjack to the point where it is now as solid a construct as I can achieve, and is ready for priming...

Thursday 10 December 2020

"Subcommander Cheney To All Units."

"This is a red alert. I repeat, this is a red alert. Electronic security reports intruders in Sector Three."

This 28mm metal model of a Federated Security Guard was produced by "Crooked Dice Game Design Studio" and is from their out-of-production Federated Security Starter Set. Like the rest of the Security Guards in this (video-like) boxed set, the figure came with a choice of two heads including one with a balaclava, and is a ‘dead-ringer’ for one of the despicable black jump-suit wearing minions of the Terran Federation from the BBC science fiction television series “Blake’s Seven”.

The 'Subcommander' was initially given a double undercoat of “Citadel” Abaddon Black before being rather roughly dry-brushed with “Vallejo” Heavy Charcoal so as to highlight the soldier's excellent detail. I then picked out his belt buckle and key chains with "Vallejo" Silver and his Federation carbine rifle with Gunmetal. All of these areas were later washed with a double-helping of "Citadel" Nuln Oil.

"Privateer Press" WIPs - These Paladins have been primed, layered and shaded

As I wanted this particular miniature to potentially represent the clean-shaven officer in charge of the security detail guarding the residence of the exiled former president Sarkoff, I did initially consider scraping the figure's bushy moustache off. But eventually decided it would perhaps be something of a shame to ruin such an eye-catching detail...

In addition to finally finishing a model which has rather embarrassingly sat amidst my collection for a good five years, I have assembled and started painting my long-awaited Paladins for "Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika" by "Privateer Press". These new 35mm models form part of the Iron Star Alliance hobby miniatures game starter set and seem to have been persistently delayed since I first pre-ordered them a couple of months ago.

"Privateer Press" WIPs - The Paladin Weaver and a Paladin Enforcer

The Command Group are still missing their partly-assembled Firebrand-class Warjack, as frankly they have proved something of a nightmare to put together on account of their chunky metal pieces and minimalist joints. Indeed, I very quickly found myself drilling, pinning and green-stuffing all but these elite shock troopers simplest of parts together in an effort to ensure they didn't fall apart once I began applying a brush-tip to them.

Of course, the figures couldn't have come at a worse time as I'm currently trying to clear an unhealthy backlog of my old projects rather than tackle a brand new one. But I'm hoping my plan to make them somewhat rather rusty, steel and iron-coloured space battle veterans as opposed to the bright yellow Paladins depicted on their box's cover art, will actually allow me to slowly progress the odd model over the coming months...

Monday 7 December 2020

"I Used To Have Nothing."

"And then I got this. This job. This family. And I was better because of it."

This 40mm scale plastic figure of Natalia Alianovna "Natasha" Romanoff is made by “Atomic Mass Games” and can be found in the Marvel Crisis Protocol expansion box CP24 Hawkeye & Black Widow Agent Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Assembled using sixteen separate pieces, not including its circular stand, the model depicts the former KGB operative and dangerous assassin, leaping over a partially-damaged symbol of Hydra.

"Recruited into S.H.I.E.L.D. by Clint Barton", the secret agent was first undercoated with two layers of "Citadel" Abaddon Black, enthusiastically dry-brushed with "Vallejo" Heavy Charcoal, and shaded using "Citadel" Nuln Oil. I then went back over her leg straps and gun holsters with some more "Citadel" Abaddon Black, to ensure the pair of leather attachments stood out ever-so slightly from the spy's roughly 'highlighted' costume.

"Atomic Mass Games" WIPs - The Black Widow was painted from the ground up

The Black Widow's automatic pistols and arm blasters were pigmented with some "Vallejo" Gunmetal, whilst parts of her costume were 'picked out' with "Vallejo" Heavy Red. All of these parts were subsequently washed in "Citadel" Nuln Oil. I also went back to Natasha's armaments and gave them a delicate dry-brush of more "Vallejo" Gunmetal to help them have a bit more glint about them.

Romanoff's electroshock weapons on her wrists were undercoated "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna, coated in Gold and then washed with "The Army Painter" Strong Tone Quickshade. "One of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s most efficient agents", I painted the founding member of the [MCU] Avengers' hair with a mixture of "Vallejo" Dark Vermillion and "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade, before dry-brushing it with (more) "Vallejo" Dark Vermillion.

"Crooked Dice Game Design Studio" WIPs - A Section Leader and Heavy Weapon Federated Trooper

With so much "Citadel" Nuln Oil on show I was rather keen to have some colour contrast occur with the Black Widow's base, so decided to paint the badly-damaged Hydra symbol with "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna, before subsequently applying a coat of Brass over the terrorist organisation's fallen symbol. I then shaded the piece of debris with "The Army Painter" Strong Tone Quickshade and the odd dollop of "Citadel" Nihilakh Oxide.

Having completed this particular incarnation of Natasha Romanoff I have made some more progress on my recently resurrected "Blake's Seven" project using "Crooked Dice Game Design Studio" miniatures. These now sadly OOP Federated Security Troopers will make some welcome Section Leaders/Heavy Weapon for my ever-expanding forces of Supreme Commander of the Terran Federation, and hopefully start clearing some space in my sadly significant partially-painted backlog...

Saturday 5 December 2020

"We Are Venom!"

"Eyes! Lungs! Pancreas! So many snacks. So little time -- !"

This 50mm tall hard plastic figure of Eddie Brock's alter-ego is produced by “Atomic Mass Games” and can be found in the Marvel Crisis Protocol expansion box CP09 Venom. Assembled using thirteen separate pieces, not including its stand, the model depicts the Klyntar symbiote striding forwards across a piece of concrete rubble.

The miniature was initially primed using two coats of "Citadel" Abaddon Black, mercilessly dry-brushed with "Vallejo" Heavy Charcoal, and shaded using "Citadel" Nuln Oil. I then set to work patiently 'picking out' all the lines of the disgraced journalist's spider-symbol with a couple of coats of watered-down "Vallejo" White.

"Atomic Mass Games" WIPs - Black Widow is slowly having her red and metallic areas 'picked out'

To be honest, despite the model's formidable size and the raised detail of his torso's emblem, I was rather put off by the complexity of the symbiote's veiny motiff. I find drawing anything even closely resembling a straight line extremely difficult with a paint-brush, and the thought of patiently tracing across the anti-hero with my tip had already resulted in the miniature being repeatedly side-lined in the past.

Luckily however, it suddenly occurred to me that I could 'cheat' by applying a wash of "Citadel" Nuln Oil over the bothersome pattern, and use the shade's pooling effect to help me better work out the actual lines. I then applied some additional "Citadel" Abaddon Black over any stray areas of "Vallejo" White which the "Citadel" Nuln Oil hadn't completely masked. The end result turned out a little darker than I'd have liked but resulted in a significantly saner painting process.

"Atomic Mass Games" WIPs - The two Black Widow sculpts are slowly being progressed

As some final touches, I used a combination of "Vallejo" Squid Pink and "Citadel" Carroburg Crimson for Venom's curling tongue, as well as some "Vallejo" White and "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade on his razor-sharp teeth. Brock's pre-modelled circular base was layered with "Vallejo" Heavy Bluegrey, washed with "Citadel" Nuln Oil, and subsequently dry-brushed with (more) "Vallejo" Heavy Bluegrey.

With Spider-Man's arch-nemesis finished, I have focused my attention upon the three sculpts I own of the Black Widow. Two of these are identical, as I wanted to pigment the Russian spy in both her classic all-black and all-white costumes. Whilst the third shows Natasha Romanova sporting an updated look which arguably seems more suited to her adventures within the Marvel Cinematic Universe than those within the printed page of a comic book.

Wednesday 2 December 2020

(Lead) Mountain Musings - "Frostgrave" December 2020

"North Star Military Figures" WIPs - Three Infantrymen for my "Frostgrave" Witch's warband

Usually at this time of the year I am hastily prepping and priming a multitude of miniatures ready for the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge (AHPC), and as a result subsequently end up with a painting desk brimming over with all manner of unfinished genres, scales and materials three months later. Indeed, due to some of the constraints of the event, most notably only being allowed to submit figures solely pigmented during the challenge, I tend to find myself hastily purchasing all myriad of 'simple to paint' pieces simply so I can attain my annual target of 500 points (approximately 100 x 28mm models). 

On this occasion however, I'll be doing something a little bit different, and rather than participate in another AHPC, I'll instead try to reduce my ever-increasing mountain of assorted models by embarking upon my own personal Partially-Painted Pledge. I've actually tried to complete this endeavour a few times before, predominantly alongside the AHPC, and unsurprisingly never managed to attain my goal of completing a hundred figures I've previously started working on within the allotted four months.

"Crooked Dice Game Design Studio" WIPs - Three Federated Security Troopers

Things should work out a little differently this time though as I have already earmarked a number of ill-fated projects for renewal. To begin with I aim to paint both the Witch's warband I've recently assembled using the "Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago" hard plastic Tribals boxed set by "North Star Military Figures" and a number of other long-forgotten "Frostgrave" models I have either prepped, primed, layered or almost finished in the past.

I've yet to actually play a game using Joseph A. McCullough's Second Edition rules, but as a motivator I hope to get in some small test games using the various miniatures I finish over the coming months. In addition, having already assembled a pair of Archers, and now a trio of Infantrymen, it shouldn't be too long before I'm able to field two fully-fit wizard parties, and actually try out a few of the rule-book's numerous scenarios.

"Atomic Mass Games" WIP - Natasha Romanova's brown straps and holster are slowly being 'picked out'

I have also started digging out the numerous figures by "Crooked Dice Game Design Studio" I've never finished in an effort to conclude both my "Blake's Seven" and "Planet Of The Apes" projects. Long-time sufferers of this blog will know I have played quite a few recent games using Servalan's black-suited goons and some homebrew rules, so I have immediately set about 'picking out' all the metal areas on a handful of the company's now OOP Federated Security Troopers.

Lastly, I am planning on slowly ploughing through my collection of "Marvel Crisis Protocol" models by "Atomic Mass Games". The company has just published an insane-looking release schedule for early 2021, which could seriously overwhelm my painting queue if I don't crack on with pigmenting my already unhealthy backlog of super-heroes and villains.