Saturday 28 September 2024

"Despite Its Much Greater Accuracy At Long Range..."

 "...The rifle is still a relatively uncommon weapon."

This 28mm scale metal miniature of a Rifleman is sold by “North Star Military Figures", and is one of the eight models which can be found inside their TSB031 - United States Unit box for The Silver Bayonet. I recently picked the set up whilst at "Colours 2024" and was rather disappointed to see that the sculpt is a little large when compared to my ever-growing Napoleonic collection by "Wargames Foundry" - which happen to be a little smaller and stockier than many modern-day releases.

The crack shot was undercoated using my mainstay mixture of "Warlord Games" Pitch Black and Vallejo Surface Primer Black, before having his boots treated to a combination of "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna and "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade. Using the 'official' paint scheme as a guide, as I simply have no idea when it comes to American uniforms of 1812, I then applied plenty of Wyvern Green by "Two Thin Coats" and "Citadel" Nuln Oil to the chap's heavy overcoat.

"North Star Military Figures" WIPS - This Light Cavalryman will be predominantly blue and white

I next tackled the two satchel bags sat around the marksman's wait with a couple of coverings of "Two Thin Coats" White Star and a little watered-down "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade, before tackling the soldier's rifle using "Vallejo" Gunmetal and Heavy Sienna. The hand-weapon was later shade with "Citadel" Nuln Oil and Agrax Earthshade where appropriate. I also took this opportunity to patiently trace around all the ruffled lining on the miniature, as well his Shako's cord, with a smidgeon or four of "Vallejo" Heavy Red and "Citadel" Carroburg Crimson.

Finally I 'picked out' the Rifleman's badge in "Vallejo" Gold and "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade, as well as his plume with "Vallejo" Heavy Green and "Citadel" Biel-Tan Green. I did however, stop short of tackling the model's long hair with "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna - as it appears to have been pigmented brown on the "North Star Military Figures" website - as the detail was so fine on the casting that any paint on its edges repeatedly rubbed away whilst the fellow was being (man)handled. Obviously, the American was ultimately going to be varnished. But I still thought it would be far easier and quicker for any future repair jobs to just give the area a lick of "Citadel" Abaddon Black - plus, I rather liked the look of the guy's thin face poking out from a dark mass of hair and headwear.

"Black Site Studios" WIPs - Three Russian Astronauts

With a quarter of my boxed set already 'in the bag', I have perhaps unsurprisingly moved on to another miniature from my purchase - a light cavalryman. This hand-axe waving maniac appears to be wearing a similar overcoat to my Rifleman, so I'm looking forward to tracing out all the red trim again once the time arrives. Furthermore, the horseman has caused me to return to Aly Morrison's range of 1812 figures for "Wargames Foundry", and start thinking about a small contingent of President James Madison's men fighting in Napoleonic Europe.

Lastly, I've found the time to make some progress on all five of the Soviet Cosmonauts I own by "Black Site Studios". This quintet basically just need to have any metallic parts painted and washed before receiving something of a tidy-up, so I am already itching to get the opposing NASA Astronauts assembled. I did purchase a load of different sized resin Shell Holes from "Magnetic Displays" whilst at "Colours 2024" to use as moon craters, so may well start basing them up too...


  1. Great to see more napoleonic stuff! Painted RIFLEMEN looking awesome!

    1. Thanks Michal. The Silver Bayonet figures are proving something of a distraction from my 'historical' Napoleonic project. But I really what to get this warband finished so I can pick up another one (or three) at Warfare in November.
