Friday 30 August 2024

"Four Months After Its Formation..."

"...The Rifle Corps was judged ready for its first operation."

This 28mm scale metal model is sold by “Wargames Foundry", and can be purchased either as part of their identical eight-figure B081 Riflemen Advancing blister, or the Nottinghamshire-based company's B080 British Riflemen set. I actually picked mine up directly from the Newark-based company when I visited their premises in Newark late last year. Indeed, as they actually had none on display for sale, the chap behind the counter went off to their on-site casting facilities to get some made for me.

'Part of the immediate forces sent in the Portuguese expedition commanded by Sir Arthur Wellesley', the miniature was primed using a mixture of "Citadel" Abaddon Black and Vallejo Surface Primer Black, before having the majority of his famous uniform pigmented in Wyvern Green by "Two Thin Coats" and "Citadel" Nuln Oil. I then moved on to the Greenjacket's water bottle with a smattering of "Vallejo" Heavy Bluegrey and "Citadel" Drakehnof Nightshade, whilst carefully drawing some "Two Thin Coats" White Star over the model's bread-bag.

"Our job is to keep all Sea Devils away from the Doctor and Yaz."

It was at this stage that I had to make some decisions as to just how much detail I was going to apply to Michael and Alan Perry's sculpt, and what parts I was simply going to 'brush over' with my 'four-foot rule'. In the end I decided I wouldn't carefully trace out the brown rope running around the edge of the water bottle, nor patiently start dotting any buttons. Instead, I just applied a little "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade onto the Rifleman's gunpowder horn, and shaded both the container and aforementioned linen haversack with some "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade.

This left me with just the infantryman's backpack and Baker Rifle, so I applied a basecoat of "Vallejo" Sombre Grey to the top of his knapsack, Gunmetal to his firearm and Shako badge, and Heavy Sienna to the odd strap and firearm. All these areas were subsequently washed in "Citadel" Nuln Oil or Agrax Earthshade as appropriate. Finally, I picked out the soldiers' scabbard and plume pin with a dab of "Vallejo" Gold and "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade, and the headdress with "Two Thin Coats" Wyvern Green and "Citadel" Nuln Oil.

"Games Workshop" WIPs - Frodo and Sam have been primed, base-layered and shaded

With a fifth member of my British Rifle Corps 'in the bag' (including an officer), I have also completed what I hope is the last of my 28mm metal Sea Devils by "Black Tree Design". As with so many of these classic Jon Pertwee "Doctor Who" monsters, the model is from the manufacturer's DW1015 Sea Devils boxed set, and was pigmented using my usual mixture of "Vallejo" Verdigris, "Citadel" Drakenhof Nightshade, "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna, "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade, "Two Thin Coats" White Star and a small amount of "Vallejo" Pale Grey.

Furthermore, whilst rummaging around in a plastic container I happened upon upstairs, I found two wonderfully tiny figures of Frodo and Sam In Orc Armour. These "Games Workshop" miniatures are now long Out of Production (OOP) for the Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game. But I thought they still might be fun to get tabletop ready - and possibly play a role in a future game of "The Lord Of The Rings", even if as just another addition to my rabble of Mordor Orcs...

Wednesday 28 August 2024

"The Russians Must Have Been Most Flattered When In 1815..."

"...The Prussian army adopted the style and design of Russian uniforms."

This pair of 28mm scale metal models are sold by “Wargames Foundry", and can be purchased as part of the Newark-based manufacturer's RN023 Infantry in Oilskin Covered 1812 Shako Marching pack. The blister contains eight similar-looking Napoleonic Russian soldiers sculpted by Alan Perry, and these are the final two miniatures from the packet.

Sticking with the 'official' palette shown on the company's website, I primed them both using a double-helping of "Vallejo" Heavy Brown, before using a little "Citadel" Abaddon Black on their shoes and leggings, as well as their knapsacks, sabres and cartridge belts. As the figures had their coats open at the waist, I decided to paint one set of trousers with "Vallejo" Heavy Green, and the other with White Star by "Two Thin Coats". These areas were later sploshed with some "Citadel" Biel-Tan Green or heavily watered down Agrax Earthshade as appropriate.

"Wargames Foundry" WIPs - A nearly finished French Chasseur and newly started Russian Officer

The figures' leather straps and truly fiddly sword tassels were 'picked out' using "Two Thin Coats" White Star and shaded in (more) watered down "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade. I then applied a smidge of "Vallejo" Gold to both the scabbards' tips and any visible shako straps, and gave all the models' greatcoats a positive drowning with "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade. This clothing was later carefully dry-brushed them with (more) "Vallejo" Heavy Brown.

As part of my finishing touches to these models, I applied a combination of "Vallejo" Gunmetal and "Citadel" Nuln Oil to both their tin water bottles and musket barrels, and subsequently used "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna and "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade on the rest of their rifles. Lastly, I treated their knitted scarfs with a lick of "Vallejo" Sombre Grey and wash of "Citadel" Nuln Oil.

"You can't get away from me, Doctor."

Despite the time taken to pigment these miniatures, I have also managed to keep going on a fourth French Chasseur In Campaign Dress Advancing, and a Russian officer from RN021 Infantry in 1812 Shako Command. The light infantryman will help me fill out my unit of Chasseurs à pied to four fieldable figures. Whilst I thought it would be nice to have someone lead my now completed Russians - and potentially be used as a junior officer in Silver Bayonet by "Osprey Games".

In addition, I've cranked out what I believe to be my penultimate 28mm metal Sea Devil by "Black Tree Design". The figure comes from their DW1015 Sea Devils boxed set, and was painted using my usual mixture of "Vallejo" Verdigris, "Citadel" Drakenhof Nightshade, "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna, "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade, "Two Thin Coats" White Star and a small amount of "Vallejo" Pale Grey.

Monday 26 August 2024

"This Army Was Composed Entirely Of Prussians..."

"...From the provinces of the Kingdom of Prussia, old and recently acquired alike."

This 28mm scale metal model is produced by “Wargames Foundry", and can be purchased as part of their identically-posed eight-figure PN063 Infantry in Peaked Cap Marching blister. Sculpted by Alan Perry, I purchased this set way back in July 2023, and now, in the short-term at least, hope to use it's contents as the bulk of a rather generic Prussian warband for The Silver Bayonet by "Osprey Games".

The soldier was primed using a couple of layers of "Vallejo" Sombre Grey, and was originally worked on as part of a batch-paint which would have seen the entire packet completed alongside one another. However, such a technique just doesn't work for me as I find the whole experience somewhat overwhelming once I get to the 'details' stage, so eventually he was simply progressed from the ground up on his own.

"Wargames Foundry" WIPs - A Russian Infantryman and French Chasseur

As I wanted to follow the colour scheme shown on the Nottingham-based company's website, I applied some "Vallejo" Stormy Blue to the miniature's jacket, and subsequently darkened it down with a splosh of "Citadel" Nuln Oil. I then used a combination of "Vallejo" Heavy Red and "Citadel" Carroburg Crimson for the figure's cuffs, collar, cap band, and gun strap, as well as "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna with plenty of "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade on to his rifle and backpack.

I also squeezed in some "Vallejo" Gunmetal and "Citadel" Nuln Oil onto the model's metallic areas, such as his gun barrel, its bayonet, and the fellow's water bottle. Before tidying up the infantryman's boots, extra baggage, leather straps and epaulettes with "Citadel" Abaddon Black - a colour choice which apparently designated the miniature as being a Fusilier.

"Wargames Foundry" WIPs - This British Rifleman is being worked on from the ground up

Due to my current enthusiasm for all things Napoleonic, ably encouraged by repeated viewings of Sergei Bondarchuk's 1970 masterful "Waterloo" motion picture, I have simultaneously almost finished the last of the Russian models found inside RN023 Infantry in Oilskin Covered 1812 Shako Marching, as well as made some noticeable in-roads on another Frenchman from my twenty plus year-old Chasseurs In Campaign Dress Advancing packet. I've actually got half an eye on Black Powder by "Warlord Games" for these soldiers, with their completion giving me three tiny units for the game (using 4 miniatures per stand).

In addition, I've pulled out another figure from my B080 British Riflemen set, so I can soon field a quartet of them for The Silver Bayonet - something I've been keen on doing ever since I first added some of the crack shots to my Prince Regent's hunting party. However, as mentioned above, once finished, this model will also give me a tiny unit of the "experimental corps" for Black Powder. and push me ever closer to my goal of owning enough painted 28mm Napoleonic miniatures for a small game...

Saturday 24 August 2024

"Marvel United" Battle Report: Black Widow, Hulk & Daredevil Verses The Red Skull - Part Two


This game is the second in a series of planned games designed to encourage me to paint up a significant number of the numerous hard-plastic miniatures available for "Marvel United" by "CoolMiniOrNot", and to help re-familiarize us with the core rules. It was played using some of the figures from both the original starter set as well as the Season One Promo Box, and took place upon the 90cm diameter double-sided playmat - which was exclusively released as part of the game's "X-Men" Kickstarter in April 2021.

“The story so far… The diabolical Red Skull is once again threatening the habitants of New York City with an army of Hydra henchmen. Determined to thwart the Nazi maniac's plot, the Black Widow, Daredevil and the Hulk have already put both Bob - Agent of Hydra, and Madame Hydra out for the count. But they still face a seemingly limitless number of Johann Shmidt's goose-stepping goons..."

"Marvel United" Battle Report: Black Widow, Hulk & Daredevil Verses The Red Skull - Part One

With a truly evil cackle the Red Skull moved to Central Park and using his "BLAM!" ability activated his "Subversion" threat card at the location. Shockingly, this raised the Fear Track up to a whopping 16 points, and brought the super-villain within moments of victory.

In response Daredevil played "Blind Justice", moved to New York Police Headquarters and beat up enough Thugs there to complete the Defeat Thugs mission. This meant that Shmidt was now finally vulnerable to being attacked by the heroes. Encouraged by this turn of events, the Man without Fear made his way to Time's Square and floored (yet) another Thug. In addition, the Hulk momentarily leapt onto the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier, smacked a Thug there, and then travelled to Stark Labs.


'Sitting pretty' at Central Park, Captain America's arch-nemesis gave an enthusiastic "Hail Hydra!" to cause the Hulk to suffer one damage and cause the Fear Track to rise to 17 points. Things definitely didn't look too good for the Avengers now, unless they took the fight directly to "the son of a coarse, drunken German villager."

Utilising "Interrogate" to determine that the Red Skull was going to remain at Central Park even longer, the Black Widow moved to New York Police Headquarters, took out a Thug there, and then had the local law enforcement detain another Thug in Time's Square. With Shmidt's forces dwindling fast, Daredevil swung into Central Park to face the fascist fiend, and socked him on the jaw for two damage - leaving Johann on six health.


Incensed by the blow, Hitler's one-time bellboy gave another "Hail Hydra!" However, due to Natasha Romanova knowing that this threat was coming, it had no effect. Instead, the red-faced bounder watched open-mouthed as the former Soviet spy raced to his location and triumphantly smacked him in the face.

Disappointingly though, the Hulk was unable to join his comrades-in-arms, and simply bided his time at Starks Labs. Quite possibly an opportunity to save New York City from Hydra's clutches once and for all had been lost..?

Realising that his position at Central Park was now untenable, the Red Skull fled to Avengers Tower and surrounded himself with hostages. It was clear that the "perfect Nazi" was a long way from giving up his dream of conquest.

Spotting a few endangered Civilians on the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier, Matt Murdock's alter-ego swung by the airborne aircraft carrier to rescue them, before following his foe to Avengers Tower. There he witnessed the Hulk arrive and finally land some bone-crunching blows upon Shmidt. Hydra's leader was now down to just four health points.

Sensing defeat, the Red Skull escaped to New York City Police Headquarters and raised a bodyguard of yellow and green-garbed Hydra troopers to protect him.

He was quickly followed by the Black Widow, who once again was able to use "Interrogate" to determine what the German mastermind was planning, and punch him down to only three health points. Meanwhile, Daredevil made his way to Avengers Tower and detained a Thug lurking there.


In a 'do or die' moment, the "second most powerful man in the Third Reich" returned to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier and surrounded himself with terrified Civilians. The Avengers had to take him out now or the super-villain would win.

Sadly, the incredible Hulk had to remain where he was at Avengers Tower, and resultantly was unable to get his super-strong hands on his foe. It therefore rested upon the Black Widow, who bravely arrived upon the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier. Natasha was able to rescue a Civilian, completing the Rescue Civilians mission, and give Shmidt a taste of her Widow's Sting. But the Johann still had one health point remaining and the Fear Track was about to tick to twenty.


With a truly horrendous laugh, the Red Skull kicked the Black Widow off of the edge of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier and plummet to her doom. Hydra had won the day, and New York City (for now at least) was in the control of the paramilitary terrorist organization...

Wednesday 21 August 2024

"Napoleon Had An Army Twice The Size Of The Russians."

"There were so many that the Russians didn’t dare fight."

This 28mm scale metal model is sold by “Wargames Foundry", and can be purchased as part of their RN023 Infantry in Oilskin Covered 1812 Shako Marching set. The private is one of eight similar-looking Napoleonic Russian soldiers sculpted by Alan Perry, with all of the infantrymen wearing the popular 'shineli' to protect them from their country's freezing cold -30 °C winter temperature.

As with the four figures I pigmented last year using the 'official' palette shown on the Nottingham-based company's website, I undercoated this miniature with a couple of layers of "Vallejo" Heavy Brown, and then applied some "Citadel" Abaddon Black on his shoes and leggings, as well as his knapsack, sabre and cartridge belt. The trousers were painted with a combination of "Vallejo" Heavy Green and "Citadel" Biel-Tan Green.

"Wargames Foundry" WIPs - The last two Russians from their blister are both almost finished

All of Russian's somewhat off-putting leather straps and his sword tassel were 'picked out' with White Star by "Two Thin Coats". These areas, along with the scabbard's tip and any other spots requiring a dab of "Vallejo" Gold", were later shaded in "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade. I also applied a combination of "Vallejo" Gunmetal and "Citadel" Nuln Oil to the model's tin water bottle and musket barrel, before using "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna, Charred Brown (for the strap) and "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade on the rest of the rifle.

Finally, I settled down to dollop some "Vallejo" Sombre Grey and dash of "Citadel" Nuln Oil on his head scarf, and to give the chap a generous dousing in "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade all over his long coat. This garment was later carefully dry-brushed with (more) "Vallejo" Heavy Brown to bring out the shineli's detail.

"It is our right and it is our time."

Despite now only having a couple of the models from this particular "Wargames Foundry" Napoleonic blister left to finish, I have taken some time away from the long-term project to quickly complete another classic Sea Devil by "Black Tree Design". I still have a few of these much more straightforward-to-paint figures from the company's "Doctor Who" range sat upon my hobby desk, so it has made a brief, but welcome break.

As with most of my 28mm metal Sea Devils, the model comes from the DW1015 Sea Devils boxed set, and was primed in "Vallejo" Verdigris, washed with "Citadel" Drakenhof Nightshade, and then roughly highlighted back up with (more) "Vallejo" Verdigris. Its webbed feet, arms and head were given a lick of "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna and "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade, before his belt received a little "Two Thin Coats" White Star and a smidgeon "Vallejo" Pale Grey.

Monday 19 August 2024

"The French Army Had Over 2,000 General Officers.

"Although over 90% of these generals were Frenchmen, many of them were not."

This 28mm scale metal model is produced by “Wargames Foundry", and can be purchased as part of their FN140 - Late Infantry Command In Greatcoat set. The figure is one of seven Napoleonic French soldiers sculpted by Michael and Alan Perry found in the blister, and in the short-term will lead a unit of his fellow countrymen during their adventures using "The Silver Bayonet" ruleset by "Osprey Games".

The officer was undercoated using a couple of licks of "Vallejo" Heavy Blue and had his trousers and sword belt 'picked out" using my trusty combination of "Two Thin Coats" White Star and some watered-down "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade. The miniature's greatcoat was then drenched in "Citadel" Drakenhof Nightshade and carefully highlighted with a patient dry-brush of (more) "Vallejo" Heavy Blue.

"Wargames Foundry" WIPs - These two Russian soldiers are being painted feet-first

To give the model a bit more colour than his 'official' paint-job on the manufacturer's website, I decided to also pigment his epaulettes with "Vallejo" Gold, along with his sabre-guard. I also applied some "Vallejo" Gunmetal to the Frenchman's sabre blade. These areas were later shaded using a splash of either "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade or Nuln Oil as appropriate.

The model's shako was given a coat of "Vallejo" Heavy Brown, before being washed with "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade. This was subsequently dry-brushed with (more) "Vallejo" Heavy Brown. Finally, I dolloped its pom pom in "Vallejo" Heavy Red and "Citadel" Carroburg Crimson, and lined the brim with "Citadel" Abaddon Black.

"Wargames Foundry" WIPs - A selection of 'slow-time' French Napoleonic soldiers

With two 'workable' factions for "The Silver Bayonet" now available to me using my "Wargames Foundry" figure collection, I've decided to slightly switch my tactics and focus upon finishing off the rest of my Napoleonic Russian miniatures from the company's RN023 Infantry in Oilskin Covered 1812 Shako Marching set. Once completed, this'll give me an eight-man strong unit of Tsar Alexander's soldiers, and might resultantly encourage me to pick out an officer or two from the recently acquired RN021 Infantry in 1812 Shako Command packet.

One of my main goals for this month was to partly play catch-up with my Napoleonic project, and currently I feel like I'm letting myself get a bit too distracted by other ranges/genres. I've therefore also spent a bit of time in the background busily basing a number of other Prussian, British and French models, which are very slowly being progressed whenever I find I have a little bit of paint still left on my palette from my Russians. Hopefully, over time this will allow several more of the time-consuming models to get part-way finished, and ultimately inspire me to dedicate a hobby session or two to get them tabletop ready as well...

Thursday 15 August 2024

"Once More The Skies Belong To The Midnight Surfer."

"Supersurf 7 is go! Go! Go!"

This 28mm scale metal model of Chopper was produced by “Mongoose Publishing” and formed part of my rewards from the company’s 2012 “Judge Dredd Miniatures Game: Block War” Kickstarter. Based upon the comic book character Marlon Shakespeare, the sculpt was clearly inspired by the classic “Judge Dredd” story “Midnight Surfer”, which featured in Issues 424-429 of the British comic book “2000 A.D.”

Determined to follow the colour scheme used by artist Cam Kennedy on his June 1985 wrap-a-round cover illustration for Prog 424, the figure was superglued to a plastic 40mm circular base by "Games Workshop" - as I simply detest flying stands these days - and undercoated using "Citadel" Abaddon Black. I then 'picked out' all the criminal's kneepads, belt, girdle and shoulders with a combination of "Vallejo" Gold and "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade. As I wasn't too sure as to whether John Wagner's co-creation had a black collar or not, I decided to leave it "Citadel" Abaddon Black.

"We're reclaiming what was ours."

Furthermore, I really wanted Chopper's black suit to be as pure black as possible, so instead of giving it a lick of "Vallejo" Heavy Charcoal and splash of "Citadel" Nuln Oil as I ordinarily do, I'll simply rely upon any hand oils the model picks up from handling to create the illusion of highlights. I also thought Shakespeare's surfing board might look better 'matching' the ink used for the comic illustration rather than the metallic silver I was originally planning on using. Resultantly, it was base-layered in "Vallejo" Sombre Grey, washed with "Citadel" Nuln Oil, and dry-brushed with (more) "Vallejo" Sombre Grey.

Having completed this comic book 'blast from the past', I have also finished another classic Sea Devil by "Black Tree Design". There's a few of these figures from the company's "Doctor Who" Range currently loitering upon my hobby desk, as I'm finding them quite straightforward to pigment whilst tackling some of the more detailed miniatures in my painting queue.

"Wargames Foundry" WIPs - A Russian Napoleonic infantryman and a Prussian soldier 

As with most of my 28mm Sea Devils, the model comes from the DW1015 Sea Devils boxed set, and was primed in "Vallejo" Verdigris, washed with "Citadel" Drakenhof Nightshade, and then roughly highlighted back up with (more) "Vallejo" Verdigris. Its webbed feet, arms and head were later given a lick of "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna and "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade, before his belt received a little "Two Thin Coats" White Star and a smidgeon "Vallejo" Pale Grey.

Lastly, I'm patiently ploughing on with a handful more Napoleonic figures by "Wargames Foundry". Realistically I think I can finally get table-top ready the eight-man strong blister of Russian Infantrymen in Oilskin Covered 1812 Shako Marching I started this time last year. Plus make some headway on the pack of Prussian Infantrymen in Peaked Cap Marching I began working on earlier in the year. However, I do want to add a few other single models into the mix to use with "The Silver Bayonet" by "Osprey Games", such a Scottish Highlander, French Old Guard and French Grenadier...

Monday 12 August 2024

"The Black Major Carries Out Baron Ironblood's Orders Without Question."

"Wipe out the Americans! Raise the Black Flag! No quarter, and no prisoners!"

This 28mm scale metal model of Commander Kuro is produced by "Crooked Dice Game Design Studio" and was sculpted by Ari Níelsson as part of the company's range of figures set in an alternative 1985 where Britain has been "occupied by a communist eastern power bloc." However, the miniature is also a dead likeness of the "Action Force" villain Black Major, so will resultantly portray the "brilliant military commander and tactician" on my "G.I. Joe" tabletop.

Undercoated using a mixture of "Vallejo" Surface Primer Black and "Warlord Games" Pitch Black, the figure was heavily dry-brushed with "Vallejo" Heavy Charcoal and then had his boots layered with "Citadel" Abaddon Black. I next applied a little "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna to his belt pouches so as to break up the dastardly fiend's dark palette and shaded them with some "Citadel" Nuln Oil."

"Stop right there! Sea Devil."

I also applied a dollop of "Vallejo" Gunmetal to the "totally emotionless" evil-doer's belt buckle and cap badge. I was going to additionally use this colour on the Major's twin pistols. But in the end went with some "Scalecolor" Thrash Metal instead. All of these areas, along with the former Royal Marine's uniform, were subsequently well and truly sploshed in "Citadel" Nuln Oil.

As a final(ish) touch I 'picked out' the model's shoulder-pads, epaulettes and cap with a combination of "Vallejo" Heavy Red and "Citadel" Carroburg Crimson, before gently giving them a careful dry-brush of (more) "Vallejo" Heavy Red. I must confess the fellow's right eye probably took as long to 'get right' as the rest of the miniature, due to the sculpt's pose. The villain's outstretched arm made it incredibly difficult to get my brush-tip precisely where it needed to be so as to dab in a pupil (and at the right angle), so it took me an eternity before I was semi-satisfied with how he looked.

"Since when do Sea-Devils have a ship --"

Alongside the first in what is bound to become a rather distracting "G.I. Joe" side-project, I have also completed a couple of old "Doctor Who" figures by "Black Tree Design", which I found loitering around one of the wooden drawers which sit upon my painting desk. To be honest, this particular drawer is absolutely packed full of partially-painted models, so whenever I feel the need for some spontaneous inspiration I'm bound to take a peek inside.

The two 28mm Sea Devils form part of the DW1015 Sea Devils boxed set, and were primed in "Vallejo" Verdigris, washed with "Citadel" Drakenhof Nightshade, and then roughly highlighted back up with (more) "Vallejo" Verdigris. Their webbed feet, arms and heads were later given a lick of "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna and "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade, before their belts received a little "Two Thin Coats" White Star and "Vallejo" Pale Grey.

Friday 9 August 2024

"Marvel United" Battle Report: Black Widow, Hulk & Daredevil Verses The Red Skull

This game is the second in a series of planned games designed to encourage me to paint up a significant number of the numerous hard-plastic miniatures available for "Marvel United" by "CoolMiniOrNot", and to help re-familiarize us with the core rules. It was played using some of the figures from both the original starter set as well as the Season One Promo Box, and took place upon the 90cm diameter double-sided playmat - which was exclusively released as part of the game's "X-Men" Kickstarter in April 2021.

“The story so far… Aided by his evil Hydra henchmen, the diabolical Red Skull has returned to threaten the entirety of New York City. Forewarned of the Nazi maniac's plot, the Black Widow and Daredevil have cut their patrol of Hell's Kitchen short, and teamed up with the incredible Hulk to stop the goose-stepping bounder once and for all."


Due to the game featuring three heroes, the Red Skull was awarded eight health tokens, and the following six locations were deployed: S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier, Central Park, Stark Labs, Time's Square, Avengers Tower and New York Police Headquarters. All of these sites' marked slots were then appropriately filled with either Civilian or Thug tokens. The villain's threat cards were also randomly placed face up at the bottom of each location.

Hermann Shmidt's son initiated his attack from the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier, whilst the Black Widow, Daredevil and Hulk began by confronting Bob, Agent of Hydra at Stark Labs. The Red Skull immediately caused the Fear Track to move to two points by utilising his "BAM!" special ability, and watched with satisfaction as Bob caused both Natasha Romanova and Bruce Banner to receive Crisis Tokens.

In response, the Hulk simply smacked the Agent of Hydra straight in the nose for two damage, and then watched with satisfaction as Black Widow completely floored Bob, moved across to Avengers Tower and gave Madame Hydra a fat lip too.


Realising that Natasha Romanova was going one-to-one with Ophelia Sarkissian, Daredevil used his "Radar Sense" to also arrive at Avengers Tower and knock the super-villainess down to three Health. He then swung on to New York Police Headquarters collecting a Punch and Heroic Action token en route.

Deciding to form a diabolical team-up of his own, the Red Skull moved to Avengers Tower and utilised his "BAM!" power once again. This raised the Fear Track up to four points and injured the Black Widow for one damage. In addition, it permitted Madame Hydra to add a second Crisis Token to Romanova. With a cry of exhortation Captain America's arch-nemesis also completely filled Avengers Tower, New York Police Headquarters and Stark Labs with Thugs. Suddenly things were not looking too good for the heroes.

Bruce Banner's alter-ego could see that a stand had to be made at Avengers Tower now or the battle would soon be lost, so leapt into the fray and walloped Madame Hydra for two damage. The Viper was now down to just one Health point, and soon unconscious, courtesy of Natasha smacking her and a nearby Thug to the floor. The former Russian super-spy then made her way to Stark Labs to see about ridding Tony's scientific facility of its criminal infestation.


Clearly needing to try and clear as many Threats in as short a time as possible, Matt Murdock made his way to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier, and there defeated the Red Skull's nefarious plot to Brainwash its occupants. He also managed to rid the flying "seaworthy ship" of a Thug.

Angry at the fall of Madame Hydra, and his plans to use the Helicarrier's crew for his own evil ends, Johann Shmidt confronted Daredevil and injured the guardian of Hell's Kitchen for one damage. The fuming former Nazi agent also managed to raise the Fear Track to seven points via an overflow too.


Using his "Hulk Smash" ability, the green-skinned founding Avenger smacked two Thugs and rescued a Civilian at Avengers Tower. He then bounded over to New York Police Headquarters, scattered all the civilians 'imprisoned' there by the paramilitary terrorists, and turned his attention to the Hydra Elite Troops who were milling about him.

Meanwhile, the Black Widow continued to try and clear out Stark Labs by defeating a pair of Thugs there. Whilst Daredevil worked on defeating a Thug and rescuing some Civilians at the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier, before using the vessel to move to Avengers Tower.


Fearing that the Earth's Mightiest Heroes might be getting the upper hand on him, the Red Skull flooded New York Police Headquarters with (more) Thugs, and raised the Fear Track to nine points. The fascist fiend was almost half-way to achieving his goal.

Surrounded by Hydra Elite Troops, the Hulk used three Heroic Actions to rid New York Police Headquarters of their threat, and resultantly put pressure on Shmidt - meaning the super-villain would now add "a Master Plan card to the Storyline after every two Hero cards."

This meant it was more crucial than ever that the Avengers cleared New York of enough of Thugs (and/or rescued enough Civilians) to enable them to directly attack the Red Skull. With this in mind the Black Widow battered another of goose-stepping swine's goons at Stark Labs, before smacking another at Avengers Tower. The fight was definitely on a knife's edge...

To be continued...

Wednesday 7 August 2024

"The Man Known As Blade..."

"...Was born into a world of blood and darkness over seven decades ago."

This 40mm scale model of Eric Brooks was produced by "CoolMiniOrNot", and unlocked during the company's highly successful February 2020 Kickstarter for "Marvel United" when it achieved a whopping $1,670,000 in funding. Based upon Marv Wolfman and Gene Colan's vampire hunter for "Marvel Comics", the hard plastic figure (and his twelve cards) can be found in the boardgame's Season One Promo Box.

Produced in a bright, light blue hard plastic, the Dhampir was undercoated with a mixture of "Vallejo" Surface Primer Black and "Warlord Games" Pitch Black, before having his armoured vest and combat pants painted in "Vallejo" Neutral Grey. This clothing was then shaded with "Citadel" Nuln Oil, dry-brushed with (more) "Vallejo" Neutral Grey, and finally darkened back down with an additional drop or two of "Citadel" Nuln Oil.

"...Was born into a world of blood and darkness over seven decades ago."

The Daywalker's numerous leg straps, belt, leather trench coat, boots, beard, shades and hair were all given a lick of "Citadel" Abaddon Black. However, it was only his jacket which subsequently received a dry-brush of "Vallejo" Heavy Charcoal and a positive drowning in "Citadel" Nuln Oil. Blade's sword, hand-stake and mini-stakes were all pigmented with "Vallejo" Gunmetal and washed with "Citadel" Nuln Oil. His blade's cutting edge was also given an enthusiastic dry-brush of (more) "Vallejo" Gunmetal to make it a bit brighter.

I used a combination of "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna and "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade for Brooks' flesh. The forehead, fingers, ears and nose were later highlighted with (more) "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna. I also considered potentially adding some metallic sheen to Eric's sunglasses as per the official paint-job. But in the end decided to just add some "Vallejo" Gloss Varnish to them (and the blade of his sword).

"Crooked Dice Game Design Studio" WIPs - Commander Kuro is having his details 'picked out'

With my latest Marvel United super-hero completed, I've perhaps unsurprisingly started work on another one - Captain America. I actually thought I'd lost this figure from the core starter box as it wasn't with my previously partially-painted Iron Man model when I stumbled upon that recently, and I knew I had been working on the pair together in the past. Luckily, it was simply hidden away in another container, so it's been dusted down and placed at the front of my "CoolMiniOrNot" hobby queue.

I have also been reading a few issues of "G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero" by "Image Comics" lately, so on a whim picked up Commander Kuro by "Crooked Dice Game Design Studio" and decided to get the 28mm multi-part metal miniature tabletop ready. I'm not really sure where this particular project will take me to be honest. However, I do own a fair few of the company's other "Action Force" inspired sculpts, so perhaps I'll start a force of Red Shadows with Black Major leading them...

Monday 5 August 2024

"What Does Russia Want From Me?"

"You know it’s easy to start a war but it’s very difficult to finish one."

This 28mm scale metal model is produced by “Wargames Foundry", and can be purchased as part of their RN023 Infantry in Oilskin Covered 1812 Shako Marching set. The figure is one of eight similar-looking Napoleonic Russian soldiers sculpted by Alan Perry, with all of the infantrymen wearing heavy clothing to protect them from the bitter cold of their country's infamous freezing winter.

Having previously painted a quartet of these soldiers last year using the 'official' palette shown on the Nottingham-based company's website, I primed this miniature with a couple of coats of "Vallejo" Heavy Brown, and then applied some "Citadel" Abaddon Black on his shoes and leggings, as well as his knapsack, sabre and cartridge belt.

"Wargames Foundry" WIPs - This French Officer is being painted from the feet up

I next 'picked out' all of Russian's somewhat off-putting leather straps, trousers, and sword tassel with White Star by "Two Thin Coats". All of these areas, along with the scabbard's tip, shako straps and any other spots requiring a dab of "Vallejo" Gold", were subsequently 'weathered' with a small dash of "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade and a brush-load of water.

Penultimately, I also applied a combination of "Vallejo" Gunmetal and "Citadel" Nuln Oil to the model's tin water bottle and musket barrel, before using "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna, Charred Brown and "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade on the rest of the rifle. This left me with just needing to give the chap a generous splash of "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade over his long coat and a careful dry-brush of (more) "Vallejo" Heavy Brown.

"Games Workshop" WIPs - This Stormcast Eternal Liberator has been primed, layered and shaded

Moving across to my Napoleonic French force, I have started work on an officer from blister FN140 - Late Infantry Command In Greatcoat. This "Wargames Foundry" pack contains some cracking individual sculpts which can all arguably be used to fill a specialist role or two in "The Silver Bayonet" by "Osprey Games" - so having found myself using a lone Light Infantryman as my ad hoc officer for that rule-set in the past I thought it was high time to fill that role with a 'proper' miniature.

Alongside all these fiddly cuffs, collars and straps, I've put together one of the Stormcast Eternal Liberators from my recent acquired Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Skaventide launch box. Unfortunately, I found the multi-piece plastic model by "Games Workshop" to be a truly time-consuming pain to assemble, so my initial plan to build and paint five of Sigmar's warriors simultaneously has been shelved. Instead, I simply plan to potter about on the one figure and leave putting together another of its comrades-in-arms for a rainy day...

Friday 2 August 2024

(Lead) Mountain Musings - "Wargames Foundry" August 2024

"The Coalition forces of the Napoleonic Wars were composed of Napoleon Bonaparte's enemies."

Having recently acquired and played "The Silver Bayonet" by "Osprey Games", I felt it might be a good idea to once again return to my collection of unpainted Napoleonic figures by "Wargames Foundry", and see whether wargaming in a Napoleonic era of Gothic Horror would enthuse me enough to get a dozen or so more miniatures tabletop ready. In fact, Joseph A. McCullough's rulebook has so inspired me that I have already ordered (and received) a quartet of Command Packs from the Nottingham-based manufacturer, so that alongside my British monster-hunting contingent, I can also potentially field French, Russian, Prussian and Austrian (Hungarian) warbands with an appropriate officer.

For openers I aim to get cracking on with a fully fleshed-out faction of Napoleon's finest, as I can already bring a combination of three previously painted le chasseur à pied (Light Infantry) and eight fusiliers to the battlefield. In gaming terms the core rules don't seem to include a unique specialism for skirmishers, so I plan to use the chasseurs as (Native) Scouts instead for the purpose of our games. Furthermore, the blister FN140 - Late Infantry Command In Greatcoat contains a number of other 'standalone' sculpts which could be very useful to represent a Guard, Junior Officer, Sapper and Veteran Hunter.

"CoolMiniOrNot" WIPs - Blade's coat has been dry-brushed, and his weapons/flesh 'picked out'

I'm also hoping to add a bit more diversification to my Coalition company, which currently consists of a British Officer, a trio of Riflemen and four Russian Infantrymen. This means I have still have plenty of recruitment points to spend, so plan to swap out some of the roles with a Highlander or two, and perhaps then pigment a few actual Redcoats so as to make the force entirely British. I've actually also bought RN021 Infantry in 1812 Shako Command, so should now own a few unique Napoleonic Russian figures with which to build the Tsar Alexander I a contingent too.

I'm also not entirely done painting up some more models from the old Marvel United Kickstarter by "CoolMiniOrNot". Alongside Blade, I have put together a small selection of the boardgame's pieces which I fancy applying a lick of paint to over the coming weeks. Just how far this side-project succeeds remains to be seen. But I thought an array of reasonably straightforward miniatures might prove useful for when I get too bogged down in too many Napoleonic leather straps, cuffs and collars.

July 2024 - "CoolMiniOrNot" moves up in popularity due to Marvel United and Zombicide

Happily, the lack of productivity which has haunted the past two months would finally appear to be behind me. Admittedly, I didn't break any personal records during the past four weeks. But I do seem to have got back to the same sort of enthusiasm I had for the hobby in April of this year. Surprisingly, quite of bit of this new-found gusto has seemingly been generated by a returning interest in The Horus Heresy by "Games Workshop", as well as a concerted effort to be able to play Marvel United with at least a couple of fully-painted super-teams.

As to the near future I'm pretty confident that my sudden obsession with The Silver Bayonet will help to greatly increase the number of varnished Napoleonic figures I own by "Wargames Foundry". In addition, I expect to get a handful more "CoolMiniOrNot" models completed - whether they be for Marvel United or even Zombicide...