Friday 30 August 2024

"Four Months After Its Formation..."

"...The Rifle Corps was judged ready for its first operation."

This 28mm scale metal model is sold by “Wargames Foundry", and can be purchased either as part of their identical eight-figure B081 Riflemen Advancing blister, or the Nottinghamshire-based company's B080 British Riflemen set. I actually picked mine up directly from the Newark-based company when I visited their premises in Newark late last year. Indeed, as they actually had none on display for sale, the chap behind the counter went off to their on-site casting facilities to get some made for me.

'Part of the immediate forces sent in the Portuguese expedition commanded by Sir Arthur Wellesley', the miniature was primed using a mixture of "Citadel" Abaddon Black and Vallejo Surface Primer Black, before having the majority of his famous uniform pigmented in Wyvern Green by "Two Thin Coats" and "Citadel" Nuln Oil. I then moved on to the Greenjacket's water bottle with a smattering of "Vallejo" Heavy Bluegrey and "Citadel" Drakehnof Nightshade, whilst carefully drawing some "Two Thin Coats" White Star over the model's bread-bag.

"Our job is to keep all Sea Devils away from the Doctor and Yaz."

It was at this stage that I had to make some decisions as to just how much detail I was going to apply to Michael and Alan Perry's sculpt, and what parts I was simply going to 'brush over' with my 'four-foot rule'. In the end I decided I wouldn't carefully trace out the brown rope running around the edge of the water bottle, nor patiently start dotting any buttons. Instead, I just applied a little "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade onto the Rifleman's gunpowder horn, and shaded both the container and aforementioned linen haversack with some "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade.

This left me with just the infantryman's backpack and Baker Rifle, so I applied a basecoat of "Vallejo" Sombre Grey to the top of his knapsack, Gunmetal to his firearm and Shako badge, and Heavy Sienna to the odd strap and firearm. All these areas were subsequently washed in "Citadel" Nuln Oil or Agrax Earthshade as appropriate. Finally, I picked out the soldiers' scabbard and plume pin with a dab of "Vallejo" Gold and "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade, and the headdress with "Two Thin Coats" Wyvern Green and "Citadel" Nuln Oil.

"Games Workshop" WIPs - Frodo and Sam have been primed, base-layered and shaded

With a fifth member of my British Rifle Corps 'in the bag' (including an officer), I have also completed what I hope is the last of my 28mm metal Sea Devils by "Black Tree Design". As with so many of these classic Jon Pertwee "Doctor Who" monsters, the model is from the manufacturer's DW1015 Sea Devils boxed set, and was pigmented using my usual mixture of "Vallejo" Verdigris, "Citadel" Drakenhof Nightshade, "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna, "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade, "Two Thin Coats" White Star and a small amount of "Vallejo" Pale Grey.

Furthermore, whilst rummaging around in a plastic container I happened upon upstairs, I found two wonderfully tiny figures of Frodo and Sam In Orc Armour. These "Games Workshop" miniatures are now long Out of Production (OOP) for the Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game. But I thought they still might be fun to get tabletop ready - and possibly play a role in a future game of "The Lord Of The Rings", even if as just another addition to my rabble of Mordor Orcs...


  1. Another British rifleman completed Simon, is that half way through the squad now ? Sea Devils finished, or is there a couple more squirled away somewhere ! LOL Nice find of the Hobbit's, they are very characterful sculpts.

    1. I've got a few more British Riflemen in different poses to the same one I've been repeatedly painting recently, Dave. Not sure when I'll do them though, as just the four will do me for now. I'm pretty certain that's the last of the classic Sea Devils. But you never know what I might find in the loft. LOL!! I'm well-pleased with Frodo & Sam, as once painted it'll mean I finally have the two LotR ring-bearers, or just some more orcs.

  2. those riflemen look nice, well done.
    ever since dipping into the Silver Bayonet, i've reading more and more of the Napoleonic war and learning quite a bit.
    still kinda timid painting the actual line infantry and their uniforms hah.

    1. Cheers Mr. Martin. Glad to hear you're enjoying the Napoleonic more since picking up Silver Bayonet. I'm planning on sticking with my Wargames Foundry Naps project for another month so I can paint some more - and that should include some British line infantry (centre & flank companies), plus some other pieces - so hopefully they'll help you with some uniforms - albeit I'll simply be following the colour choices painted on the Perry sculpts. LOL!!

  3. Love the new Napoleonic ones.
    That Frodo and Sam are one of my favourite:)

    1. Thanks Michal. Frodo is perhaps unsurprisingly already finished. I was surprised you couldn't pick them up from GW anymore though - and flabbergasted at the high prices being asked on Ebay.

  4. The riflemen are coming on a treat, as big fan of the Sharpe novels (I've read them all bar the latest and I've got that for Christmas), I can defiantly see the appeal of a bit of Nappy skirmishing.

    How many Sea Devils have you got squirreled away mate! they seem to have been appearing on your blog with regularity for as long as I've known you! 😂, good job you do them so well!

    Never look on Ebay at figures I own, it just depresses you! 😉

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Cheers Roger. I'm really enjoying my Napoleonics currently, so planning to keep surfing that particular wave throughout September too now. LOL!!

      I must have about 20 of the Jon Pertwee Sea Devils painted. And probably a similar number of the Peter Davison 'samurai' Sea Devils waiting in the wings for a lick of paint too. I'm simply using them as something simple to finish whilst working on the more time-consuming Naps tbh.

      I do think some of the Ebay prices are utterly mad. But I do like to see whether I can pick up any figs I'm missing - so currently I'm stalking Foundry Naps. LOL!!
