Monday 26 August 2024

"This Army Was Composed Entirely Of Prussians..."

"...From the provinces of the Kingdom of Prussia, old and recently acquired alike."

This 28mm scale metal model is produced by “Wargames Foundry", and can be purchased as part of their identically-posed eight-figure PN063 Infantry in Peaked Cap Marching blister. Sculpted by Alan Perry, I purchased this set way back in July 2023, and now, in the short-term at least, hope to use it's contents as the bulk of a rather generic Prussian warband for The Silver Bayonet by "Osprey Games".

The soldier was primed using a couple of layers of "Vallejo" Sombre Grey, and was originally worked on as part of a batch-paint which would have seen the entire packet completed alongside one another. However, such a technique just doesn't work for me as I find the whole experience somewhat overwhelming once I get to the 'details' stage, so eventually he was simply progressed from the ground up on his own.

"Wargames Foundry" WIPs - A Russian Infantryman and French Chasseur

As I wanted to follow the colour scheme shown on the Nottingham-based company's website, I applied some "Vallejo" Stormy Blue to the miniature's jacket, and subsequently darkened it down with a splosh of "Citadel" Nuln Oil. I then used a combination of "Vallejo" Heavy Red and "Citadel" Carroburg Crimson for the figure's cuffs, collar, cap band, and gun strap, as well as "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna with plenty of "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade on to his rifle and backpack.

I also squeezed in some "Vallejo" Gunmetal and "Citadel" Nuln Oil onto the model's metallic areas, such as his gun barrel, its bayonet, and the fellow's water bottle. Before tidying up the infantryman's boots, extra baggage, leather straps and epaulettes with "Citadel" Abaddon Black - a colour choice which apparently designated the miniature as being a Fusilier.

"Wargames Foundry" WIPs - This British Rifleman is being worked on from the ground up

Due to my current enthusiasm for all things Napoleonic, ably encouraged by repeated viewings of Sergei Bondarchuk's 1970 masterful "Waterloo" motion picture, I have simultaneously almost finished the last of the Russian models found inside RN023 Infantry in Oilskin Covered 1812 Shako Marching, as well as made some noticeable in-roads on another Frenchman from my twenty plus year-old Chasseurs In Campaign Dress Advancing packet. I've actually got half an eye on Black Powder by "Warlord Games" for these soldiers, with their completion giving me three tiny units for the game (using 4 miniatures per stand).

In addition, I've pulled out another figure from my B080 British Riflemen set, so I can soon field a quartet of them for The Silver Bayonet - something I've been keen on doing ever since I first added some of the crack shots to my Prince Regent's hunting party. However, as mentioned above, once finished, this model will also give me a tiny unit of the "experimental corps" for Black Powder. and push me ever closer to my goal of owning enough painted 28mm Napoleonic miniatures for a small game...


  1. Great work on the Prussian Simon, and good progress on the rest, I think this is the most productive you've been on the Napoleonic's in a long time, must be the smaller numbers needed that has helped.

    1. Thanks Dave. Funnily both the Russian and British Rifleman are already finished, and the Frenchman should be soon too. I'm definitely enjoying my Napoleonics currently, and a recent game of Silver Bayonet certainly helped keep that mojo going too. I think just picking away at the odd one or two figures is the best way for me mentally to tackle the larger project.

  2. Agree, great work Simon!
    Best regards

    1. Cheers Michal. Very much appreciated as much of this Napoleonic momentum is inspired by your own Silver Bayonet paint-jobs.

  3. Sorry for the lack of comments, I'm loving this project, smashing work on the uniforms, rather you than me mate! have done a few Napoleonic's in the past and they frankly terrify me!

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thanks Roger. I am taking some short cuts with no buttons, bland cuffs and collars, and the odd 'missed' leather strap - all so I can keep my sanity. But I reckon from 4 feet away on a tabletop you won't really notice. Hopefully I can get close to the 25 figures aside I'd like to achieve by the end of the year, so I can play a test game or two of Black Powder - as that'd definitely keep the mojo going.

  4. Replies
    1. Cheers Phil. Just another six to go from the blister - which I'm going to try to crank out through September.

  5. Lovely work Simon, the Silver Bayonet assembly line is in full swing.

    1. Thanks Michael. It sure is. Hoping to get some Silver Bayonet BatReps up in the near future too.
